
LunarDB Docs


Command docs for LunarDB


LunarDB has a Redis-like commands you can try and explore! Sooner or later on we will add more complex and multi-model commands for LunarDB, plug-in support will be announced sooner in the future!🤖

Available commands:

SET key value [ttl] - Set a key-value pair with optional TTL in seconds.

GET key - Get the value for a key.

DEL key - Delete a key-value pair.

MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 ... - Set multiple key-value pairs

MGET key1 key2 ... - Get multiple values

KEYS - List all keys

CLEAR - Clear all key-value pairs

SIZE - Get the number of key-value pairs

CLEANUP - Remove expired entries

SAVE filename - Save the cache to a file

LOAD filename - Load the cache from a file

SWITCH - Switches to Schemafull, Schemaless or SQL mode (Command is broken so don't try) (Although to exit it is Ctrl+C)

QUIT - Exit the program

More commands will be added for LunarDB expansion!

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